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Jumat, 12 Desember 2008


Every object in unchanging motion remains in that state of motion unless an outside force acts on it. Issac Newton’s first law of motion makes a profound statement not only in the physics of the universe but also in the movement of your business. Your business is subject to the laws of motion. It will continue to stay on the same path it is headed unless you physically do something to alter it. With this thought in mind, it would be advantageous to make all your actions concerning your business push towards the success you envision. Though not every step will be a positive one, it is important to keep your focus on your goals rather than on distraction on either side. You have the power to make the important changes in your business, it is only waiting for you to take action.Just like taking action on your business will change it’s course, inaction will keep it the same.There are always more steps you can take to achieve greater satisfaction from your business, so why not take them? There are so many stories of people who do just a little bit extra in their business, and it pays enormously for them. Likewise, there are stories of people who do nothing but sit and complain about how their business is failing. They do nothing to push past their set backs and just stay where they are. Their inaction keeps them in a place of disappointment. When an egg is dropped from a high place, it will continue to fall and eventually shatter on the ground, if there is no one there to catch it. It is only when someone takes the active approach by simply reaching out and catching the egg will avoid the fragile objects doom. Action over inaction makes the difference.Simple math will tell you the more positive steps you take verses negative ones, the further towards your prize you will be. So make every step count. Standing still won’t help, it will just keep you in the place that brings frustration. Your business is constantly moving and you have to move along with it. It is up to you to control which way you want it to move.Even the tiniest nudges in the right direction can enrich the things you most hold dear.
Author Info:
Robert Reyes is a business entrepreneur who has been involved in raising businesses in several industries for the past 21 years. Discover his amazing business secrets found at http://www.projectsuccessonline.com/

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